how to draw 3d graphs using traces

Recently, we had the pleasure to participate in a auto learning project that involved libraries like React and D3.js. Among many tasks, I developed a few d3 bar charts and line charts that helped to process the result of ML models like Naive Bayes.

In this article, I would similar to nowadays my progress with D3.js so far and show the basic usage of this javascript chart library through the simple instance of a bar chart.

After reading this article, y'all'll learn how to create D3.js charts like this easily:


The full source code is available here.

We at RisingStack are addicted of the JavaScript ecosystem, backend, and front-terminate development every bit well. Personally, I am interested in both of them. On the backend, I can see through the underlying business logic of an application while I also have the opportunity to create awesome looking stuff on the forepart-end. That's where D3.js comes into the picture show!

Update: a second part of my d3.js tutorial series is available as well: Building a D3.js Calendar Heatmap (to visualize StackOverflow Usage Data)

What is D3.js?

D3.js is a data driven JavaScript library for manipulating DOM elements.

"D3 helps y'all bring information to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3's emphasis on web standards gives y'all the total capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation." –

Why would You create charts with D3.js in the first place? Why not just display an image?

Well, charts are based on data coming from third-party resources which requires dynamic visualization during return time. Likewise, SVG is a very powerful tool which fits well to this application example.

Allow's take a detour to see what benefits we can become from using SVG.

The benefits of SVG

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics which is technically an XML based markup linguistic communication.

It is ordinarily used to draw vector graphics, specify lines and shapes or modify existing images. Yous can find the list of available elements here.


  • Supported in all major browsers;
  • It has DOM interface, requires no third-party lib;
  • Scalable, it can maintain high resolution;
  • Reduced size compared to other image formats.


  • It can only display ii-dimensional images;
  • Long learning curve;
  • Render may take long with compute-intensive operations.

Despite its downsides, SVG is a great tool to display icons, logos, illustrations or in this instance, charts.

Getting started with D3.js

I picked barcharts to become started because it represents a low complexity visual element while it teaches the basic application of D3.js itself. This should not deceive You, D3 provides a groovy set of tools to visualize data. Bank check out its github page for some really nice apply cases!

A bar chart tin be horizontal or vertical based on its orientation. I volition go with the vertical one in the course of a JavaScript Column chart.

On this diagram, I am going to display the tiptop ten near loved programming languages based on Stack Overflow'south 2018 Developer Survey upshot.

How to draw bar graphs with SVG?

SVG has a coordinate system that starts from the meridian left corner (0;0). Positive ten-axis goes to the right, while the positive y-axis heads to the bottom. Thus, the height of the SVG has to be taken into consideration when it comes to calculating the y coordinate of an element.


That'south enough background cheque, permit's write some code!

I want to create a nautical chart with chiliad pixels width and 600 pixels acme.

          <torso> 	<svg /> </torso> <script>     const margin = lx;     const width = thousand - 2 * margin;     const height = 600 - ii * margin;      const svg ='svg'); </script>                  

In the code snippet above, I select the created<svg> element in the HTML file with d3select. This selection method accepts all kind of selector strings and returns the first matching chemical element. EmployselectAll if You would similar to get all of them.

I also ascertain a margin value which gives a piffling actress padding to the chart. Padding can be practical with a<g> element translated past the desired value. From now on, I draw on this grouping to go along a healthy distance from whatever other contents of the folio.

          const chart = svg.append('g')     .attr('transform', `translate(${margin}, ${margin})`);                  

Adding attributes to an chemical element is as easy as calling theattr method. The method'southward first parameter takes an aspect I want to apply to the selected DOM element. The second parameter is the value or a callback part that returns the value of information technology. The code above only moves the start of the chart to the (60;threescore) position of the SVG.

Supported D3.js input formats

To start cartoon, I need to define the data source I'thou working from. For this tutorial, I use a obviously JavaScript array which holds objects with the name of the languages and their per centum rates but it'southward important to mention that D3.js supports multiple information formats.

The library has built-in functionality to load from XMLHttpRequest, .csv files, text files etc. Each of these sources may contain data that D3.js tin use, the only important thing is to construct an array out of them. Notation that, from version 5.0 the library uses promises instead of callbacks for loading information which is a non-backward uniform change.

Scaling, Axes

Let's go on with the axes of the chart. In order to depict the y-axis, I need to set the everyman and the highest value limit which in this case are 0 and 100.

I'thou working with percentages in this tutorial, but in that location are utility functions for data types other than numbers which I will explicate later.

I accept to split the height of the chart between these 2 values into equal parts. For this, I create something that is chosen a scaling function.

          const yScale = d3.scaleLinear()     .range([meridian, 0])     .domain([0, 100]);                  

Linear scale is the most commonly known scaling blazon. Information technology converts a continuous input domain into a continuous output range. Detect therange anddomain method. The beginning i takes the length that should be divided between the limits of the domain values.

Call back, the SVG coordinate system starts from the top left corner that's why the range takes the peak every bit the first parameter and not zero.

Creating an centrality on the left is as simple as calculation another grouping and calling d3'saxisLeft method with the scaling function as a parameter.

          chart.append('chiliad')     .telephone call(d3.axisLeft(yScale));                  

Now, continue with the x-axis.

          const xScale = d3.scaleBand()     .range([0, width])     .domain( => south.linguistic communication))     .padding(0.2)  nautical chart.suspend('g')     .attr('transform', `translate(0, ${top})`)     .phone call(d3.axisBottom(xScale));                  

Be aware that I utilize scaleBand for the x-centrality which helps to separate the range into bands and compute the coordinates and widths of the bars with additional padding.

D3.js is also capable of handling date type amid many others. scaleTime is actually like to scaleLinear except the domain is here an assortment of dates.

Tutorial: Bar drawing in D3.js

Recall about what kind of input we need to depict the bars. They each represent a value which is illustrated with simple shapes, specifically rectangles. In the next code snippet, I append them to the created group element.

          nautical chart.selectAll()     .information(goals)     .enter()     .append('rect')     .attr('10', (southward) => xScale(s.linguistic communication))     .attr('y', (south) => yScale(s.value))     .attr('height', (s) => summit - yScale(s.value))     .attr('width', xScale.bandwidth())                  

Start, IselectAll elements on the chart which returns with an empty event set. And then,data function tells how many elements the DOM should be updated with based on the assortment length.enter identifies elements that are missing if the data input is longer than the selection. This returns a new selection representing the elements that need to be added. Usually, this is followed past ansuspend which adds elements to the DOM.

Basically, I tell D3.js to append a rectangle for every fellow member of the array.

Now, this just adds rectangles on tiptop of each other which have no tiptop or width. These two attributes accept to be calculated and that's where the scaling functions come up handy over again.

Run across, I add together the coordinates of the rectangles with theattr call. The 2nd parameter can be a callback which takes 3 parameters: the bodily member of the input data, index of it and the whole input.

          .attr('x', (actual, index, array) =>     xScale(actual.value))                  

The scaling function returns the coordinate for a given domain value. Calculating the coordinates are a piece of cake, the trick is with the meridian of the bar. The computed y coordinate has to be subtracted from the acme of the chart to go the right representation of the value as a column.

I ascertain the width of the rectangles with the scaling function equally well.scaleBand has abandwidth function which returns the computed width for 1 element based on the set padding.


Nice job, but not so fancy, right?

To forbid our audience from eye bleeding, let's add some info and improve the visuals! 😉

Tips on making javascript bar charts

There are some footing rules with bar charts that worth mentioning.

  • Avert using 3D effects;
  • Gild information points intuitively – alphabetically or sorted;
  • Keep distance betwixt the bands;
  • Start y-centrality at 0 and not with the everyman value;
  • Apply consequent colors;
  • Add axis labels, title, source line.

D3.js Filigree System

I want to highlight the values by adding grid lines in the background.

Go ahead, experiment with both vertical and horizontal lines but my advice is to display only 1 of them. Excessive lines tin can be distracting. This lawmaking snippet presents how to add together both solutions.

          nautical chart.append('thou')     .attr('form', 'filigree')     .attr('transform', `translate(0, ${meridian})`)     .call(d3.axisBottom()         .scale(xScale)         .tickSize(-height, 0, 0)         .tickFormat(''))  chart.append('g')     .attr('class', 'grid')     .call(d3.axisLeft()         .scale(yScale)         .tickSize(-width, 0, 0)         .tickFormat(''))                  

I prefer the vertical filigree lines in this case considering they lead the eyes and continue the overall film plain and simple.

Labels in D3.js

I also want to make the diagram more comprehensive by calculation some textual guidance. Let's give a proper name to the chart and add labels for the axes.


Texts are SVG elements that tin be appended to the SVG or groups. They can be positioned with x and y coordinates while text alignment is done with thetext-anchor attribute. To add the label itself, just phone calltext method on the text chemical element.

          svg.append('text')     .attr('x', -(top / 2) - margin)     .attr('y', margin / 2.4)     .attr('transform', 'rotate(-90)')     .attr('text-anchor', 'eye')     .text('Honey meter (%)')  svg.suspend('text')     .attr('x', width / two + margin)     .attr('y', 40)     .attr('text-anchor', 'center')     .text('About loved programming languages in 2018')                  

Interactivity with Javascript and D3

Nosotros got quite an informative chart but withal, there are possibilities to transform information technology into an interactive bar nautical chart!

In the next code block I show You lot how to add result listeners to SVG elements.

          svgElement     .on('mouseenter', part (actual, i) {'opacity', 0.5)     })     .on('mouseleave', function (actual, i) {'opacity', i)     })                  

Note that I use function expression instead of an arrow function because I access the element viathis keyword.

I set the opacity of the selected SVG element to half of the original value on mouse hover and reset it when the cursor leaves the area.

You could as well get the mouse coordinates withd3.mouse. It returns an array with the x and y coordinate. This way, displaying a tooltip at the tip of the cursor would be no problem at all.

Creating center-popping diagrams is not an easy art form.

Ane might require the wisdom of graphic designers, UX researchers and other mighty creatures. In the following case I'grand going to show a few possibilities to heave Your nautical chart!

I have very similar values displayed on the chart so to highlight the divergences among the bar values, I fix an effect listener for themouseenter event. Every fourth dimension the user hovers over a specific a column, a horizontal line is drawn on superlative of that bar. Furthermore, I besides calculate the differences compared to the other bands and display it on the bars.


Pretty neat, huh? I also added the opacity example to this one and increased the width of the bar.

          .on('mouseenter', function (s, i) {         .transition()         .elapsing(300)         .attr('opacity', 0.half-dozen)         .attr('x', (a) => xScale(a.language) - 5)         .attr('width', xScale.bandwidth() + ten)      nautical chart.append('line')         .attr('x1', 0)         .attr('y1', y)         .attr('x2', width)         .attr('y2', y)         .attr('stroke', 'cherry-red')            // this is only part of the implementation, cheque the source code            })                  

Thetransition method indicates that I want to animate changes to the DOM. Its interval is set with theelapsing role that takes milliseconds as arguments. This transition higher up fades the band color and broaden the width of the bar.

To draw an SVG line, I need a starting time and a destination signal. This can be ready via thex1,y1 andx2,y2 coordinates. The line will not be visible until I prepare the colour of it with thestroke attribute.

I just revealed part of themouseenter event hither then continue in heed, You have to revert or remove the changes on themouseout event. The full source lawmaking is available at the cease of the article.

Allow's Add Some Manner to the Chart!

Permit's see what we achieved and so far and how can we shake upward this chart with some mode.You can add class attributes to SVG elements with the sameattr part we used before.

The diagram has a nice set of functionality. Instead of a dull, static picture show, it also reveals the divergences among the represented values on mouse hover. The title puts the chart into context and the labels help to identify the axes with the unit. I also add a new label to the bottom right corner to mark the input source.

The only matter left is to upgrade the colors and fonts!

Charts with dark background makes the bright colored bars look absurd. I likewise applied theOpen Sans font family to all the texts and set size and weight for the dissimilar labels.

Do Yous detect the line got dashed? It can be washed by setting thestroke-width andstroke-dasharray attributes. Withstroke-dasharray, You can define pattern of dashes and gaps that alter the outline of the shape.

          line#limit {     stroke: #FED966;     stroke-width: 3;     stroke-dasharray: three vi; }  .filigree path {     stroke-width: iii; }  .grid .tick line {     stroke: #9FAAAE;     stroke-opacity: 0.2; }                  

Grid lines where information technology gets tricky. I have to applystroke-width: 0 to path elements in the group to hide the frame of the diagram and I as well reduce their visibility by setting the opacity of the lines.

All the other css rules cover the font sizes and colors which Yous tin find in the source code.

Wrapping up our D3.js Bar Nautical chart Tutorial

D3.js is an amazing library for DOM manipulation and for building javascript graphs and line charts. The depth of information technology hides countless hidden (really not hidden, it is really well documented) treasures that waits for discovery. This writing covers only fragments of its toolset that assistance to create a not and so mediocre bar nautical chart.

Go along, explore it, use it and create spectacular JavaScript graphs & visualizations!

By the way, hither's the link to the source code.

Accept You created something cool with D3.js? Share with us! Drop a comment if You have any questions or would like another JavaScript chart tutorial!

Thank you for reading and see You next time when I'm building a calendar heatmap with d3.js!


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